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Pálinka Distillery in Dunavecse


Dunavecse is placed on the left side of the Danube, in Bács-Kiskun County, where Vecse Komplex Kft. created Dunai Hajós Pálinka Distillery in June 2007. The “kisüsti” distillation system is the great work of Hungarian experts. We decided to choose this region because of its excellent geographical location, microclimate, the old traditions in fruit production, and because of the unique taste of these fruits.

We achieved to save the harmonic taste of the fruits of Dunavecse, thanks to the controlled fermentation and precise distillation.

We prove our dedication to Hungarian pálinka with the quality of our Kisüsti Pálinka, which we gladly offer for every distributor and costumer.


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„Jó pálinka, jó egészség, szép leány, szép feleség. Szépasszonynak, jónak, szépen járó lónak kár megöregedni!”
Gábor Koncz  