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We welcomed Gábor Koncz in Dunavecse on his seventh birthday


Gábor Koncz, Kossuth-award winning actor, was our guest in Dunavecse’s new investment, the Dunai Hajós Kisüsti Pálinka Distillery (Vecse Komplex Kft.). The delegation of Porta Association was also invited.

The legendary actor received the invitation from owner, János Szita. On this important anniversary, János Szita and his college, András Bugyi, were very excited and proud to introduce the distillery to the audience.

Gábor Koncz entertained the listeners with colorful anecdotes about his experiences with fruit distillates. Gábor Koncz is not significant as a consumer, but he helps a lot to distillation industry by popularizing pálinka all over the world. He is planning now, that wherever he goes, he will propagate this delicious pálinka, as the star of the movie, Dunai Hajós.

Gábor Koncz thinks, that people who take the risk to invest in the provinces are “brave heroes”. By creating job opportunities and high quality products, these people help to gain the prestige of Hungarian workers. Thanks to the distillery, farmers still have jobs in the fruit producing business.

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„The pálinka - even our gods – is strong, concentrated and almighty.”
Gábor Koncz  