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Dunai Hajós Pálinka


Dunavecse is a small town very closely to Budapest (1 hour), it has an old temple and gorgeous parks, right next to the Danube. The most famous citizen of the town was Sándor Petőfi, the great Hungarian poet.

Painter Jean Tóth was born here too, who later became famous in France. Also one of the best photographers, André Kertész spent his childhood here. There are some great people who spent their last years in Dunavecse, like Béla Vikár, the famous music theorist and literary translator. His memorial stands in front of the community building named after him. Around the town there are several fruit-gardens, where we buy our basic materials.

Our distillery opened in 2007. We make our products from fruits with unique taste and quality, and with the help of the best technologies (Ruszkai and Ruszkai Kft.).

The owners and experts of Vecse Komplex Kft. believe that the Danube and pálinka has a very special connection. In the old times, ships took fruits from lands around the Danube and made pálinka from these unique basic materials. The team, producing works for keeping this special relationship, and also improve it in order to continue with this old tradition.

The slogan of Vecse Komplex Kft. is: “We don’t drink the water of the Danube” (which refers to an old Hungarian saying). The grape-skin pálinka, made in 2007, won a bronze medal on Destillata International Pálinka Competition, and proved that even in the first year we could make an excellent quality pálinka. In 2008, on the Pálinka Festival in Gyula, our grape-skin and peach pálinka also won a bronze medal.

More about our products:
APPLE: Made from four different kinds of apples with inimitable taste. They are put in the bottles after ripen in barrels. PEACH: Made from selected apricots of Dunavecse. It has the harmony of tastes and also a light scent of clove. PLUM: Made from delicious plums of Heves county. We achieved to keep the spicy, almond like taste of the ripe plum in this great pálinka. SOUR CHERRY: This “jubilee” sour cherry of Érd’s was produced in the fruit gardens of Dunavecse, and became a pálinka with a fresh scent and taste. GRAPE-SKIN: This is a “kisüsti” pálinka made from the wine of Birkás Winery (Szabadszállás). It has the fruity taste of grape and also the well-known spiciness. It is suggested especially for gourmets.

You can found Dunai Hajós Pálinka in three new flavors: peach, plum, and sour cherry. These are very popular among costumers. Another important thing is that our pálinka is now available in a 0,05 liter packaging.

Gábor Koncz, the Kossuth-award winning actor, has a great role in making Dunai Hajós Pálinka more popular. He had the leading role in the famous Hungarian movie, Dunai Hajós, which provided the idea of working together.

In our distillery, there is the opportunity for distillation for anyone who is interested. The distillery works with a two-stepped “kisüsti” system, controlled by high-tech computers.

Dunai Hajós Pálinka is distributed by several merchants, from which it is important to mention Kalober Kft., Méta Kft., and also Szicsek Pákinka House, which has its store on Rákóczi street, Budapest.

If you are interested in Dunai Hajós Pálinka, please feel free to contact Vecse Komplex Kft.

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„I cannot write a cheerful poem, I smile rarely, I drink often, I am choking all my griefs into pálinka.”
Gábor Koncz  